martes, 15 de junio de 2010

SETHERIAL : "A World In Hell"

Nuevo trabajo de Setherial titulado "Ekpyrois". Practican un feroz y satánico Black Metal. Os dejo un vídeo de este trabajo.

1. A World In Hell 05:02
2. Ekpyrosis 03:53
3. The Mournful Sunset Of The Forsaken 05:10
4. The Devouring Eye 06:42
5. Subsequent Emissions From A Frozen Galaxy 03:54
6. Thoughts Of Life They Wither 07:31
7. Celestial Remains Of The Cosmic Creation 04:22
8. Enemy Of Creation 08:05

Magnus "Infaustus" Ödling - Vocals
Kraath - Guitars, Bass
Thurz - Guitars
Håkan "Alastor Mysteriis" Sjödin - Drums, Keyboards, Vocals

SETHERIAL "A World In Hell"

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